Science Links!
International Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report
Media Highlights
"ASK A SCIENTIST" segment about FROGS!! (For ages 5-10)
Asheville Museum of Science *Recorded June 5, 2020
Video Interview on Research by WRAL
“Tree frogs Adapt to Saltwater Intrusion” October 2017
Blog Post for NC Sea Grant by Molly Albecker
“Indicators of Hope: Coastal green treefrogs develop salt tolerance” October 2017
Virginian-Pilot Article by Jeff Hampton: November 2016
“Amphibians don’t like salt water… until now, and the little green tree frog in N.C.”
North Carolina's CoastWatch Magazine article by Janna Sasser
"Leaping out of the Lab: Green Treefrogs show adaptation, offer inspiration" Spring 2016.
Wildlife Society Article by Joshua Rapp Learn
“How frogs cope with road salt and brackish water” August 2015
East Carolina News Article by Doug Boyd
“#Science: Graduate students share research on social media” September 2015
Resources for Teachers
Teach about life cycles and the scientific method by raising tadpoles in your classroom!
These lesson plans were originally developed for North Carolina teachers in the SciRen Network to provide some fun, practical, and educational resources that can be used in classrooms to teach kids basic scientific principles and stimulate excitement for science and nature.
The lesson plans and Powerpoints are my own design, but I have gathered aides and materials that were created by other educators to offer a full complement of options for your classroom. As always, I am very open to suggestions and recommendations!
Please reach out to me via email (maalbecker at uh dot edu) with any questions about how to find/house/care for tadpoles.
Elementary Students (Grades 1-3):
1. Lesson Plan
2. PowerPoint for the lesson
3. Activities:
2.) The Life Cycle of a Frog Chart
8.) Frog Life Cycle Foldable Activity
10.) Frog and Butterfly Life Cycle
4. Supplementary Links:
High School Students (Grades 9-12):
1. Lesson Plan
2. PowerPoint for the lesson
3. Lab Report Guidelines
4. Lab Report Rubric
5. Supplementary Links:
a.) Sodium-Potassium Pump Video

Who is the fastest predator?
2018 NC Science Festival

Showcasing their slimy discoveries
Bayboro Middle School 2017